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Q: When you decide what to wear in the morning witch of the three parts of the brain do you use?
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The three connected parts of the brain?

The three main parts of the brain are the cerebrum, cerebellum and the brain stem.

What are the three parts the brain?

The three parts of the brain are the:CerebrumCerebellumBrain stemAnd if you want to get technical it also includes the brain stem

What are the three main parts of the brains?

The three main parts of the brain are the cerebellum, the cerebrum, and the brain stem.

The brain stem has what parts?

three parts

What are three important parts of your body?

the three important parts are brain heart and lungs

3 parts of the brainstem?

The brain stem does not have three parts. The brain has three parts that include the brain stem. The other two parts are the cerebrum and the cerebellum.

What are the three parts of the brain called?

The cerebrum, brain stem and the cerebellum.

What is the anterior of the brain?

There are three basic parts. The brain stem, cerebrum, and cerebellum.

What are the brain's 3 parts?

Prosencephlon (Forebrain), Mesencephalon (midbrain), and Rhombencephalon (hindbrain). The components of the forebrain include: Cerebral Cortex, Olfactory bulb, Thalamus, and Hypothalamus. The components of the hindbrain includes: Cerebellum, Pons, and Medulla.

What are the 5 major parts of the brain called?

The three main parts of the brain are: - Cerebellum - Cerebrum - Medulla

What part of the brain helps you walk?

There are actually three different parts of the brain that work together to help you walk. These three parts are the cerebral cortex, thalamus and hypothalamus.

What are three parts of the lower brain stem?

Medulla oblongata, mid brain, pons