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in the early weeks of embryonic life,primitive., nucleated red blood cells are produced in the yolk sac.during the middle trimester of gestation,the liver s main organ for production of red blood cells but reasonable number are also produced in the spleen and lymph nodes.then during the last month or so of gestation and after birth red blood cells are produced exclusively in the bone marrow.the bone marrow of essentially all bones produces red blood cells untill a person is 5 years old.the marrrow of long bones,except for proximal portions of the humeri and tibiae,becomes quiet fatty and produces no more red blood cells after about age 20 years.beyond this age,most red cells continue to be produced in marrow of membranous bones,such as vertebrae,sternum,ribs and ilia.even in these bones,the marrow becomes less productive as age increases

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Occurs only in red marrow of flat bones like sternum, ribs, skull, pelvis and ends of long bones.

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Q: Where are RBC produced in body during fetal and adult life?
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