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nodes of ranvier

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Q: Where do axon collaterals emerge on a myelinated nerve?
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The speed of nerve impulse transmission through the axon of a sensory neuron will be quickest in?

I'm guessing; "myelinated nerve fibres" contrary to the much slower "non-myelinated nerve fibres"

COnduction speed of a nerve fiber would be the fastest in a? a myelinated axon.

Mechanism of nerve conduction?

Nerve impulses are conducted along the axon in the myelinated nerve fiber with causes the polarity of the nerve.

Which of the following does not factor into the rate of impulse propagation?

Whether or not the impulse begins in the CNS influences the time necessary for a nerve impulse to be transmitted.

What is the output structure of a neuron?

The axon is the output structure of a nerve cell. Many times it is myelinated like an electrical wire.

What type of axon allows saltatory conduction?

A myelinated axon

Can a myelinated axon have a larger diameter than an unmyelinated axon?

Unmyelinated fibers typically have smaller diameters than myelinated fibers.

Helmholtz's experiment with the frog's nerve indicated that the speed of the nervous impulse was?

Conduction velocities are specific to each person and depend largely on an axon's diameter and the degree to which that axon is myelinated. Some myelinated neurons conducting at speeds up to 120 m/s (432 km/h).

What minimizes leakage of the electrical current traveling along the axon?

The nodes of Ranvier along myelinated axons in sensory nerve fibers minimize leakage of the nerve impulse electrical signal.

In which direction does a nerve impulse usually move?

It's called the ACTION POTENTIAL, or, in the case of a myelinated axon, SALTATORY CONDUCTION.

What are profuse branches at the end of axons called?

Axon terminals

The neurolemma and the myelin of the myelinated axons are interrupted at regular intervals along the axon by?

The gap between each myelinated section of an axon is known the node of ranvier.