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The respiratory system is loaded with ciliated cells which move trapped particles up towards the throat where they can be swallowed and digested.

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Q: Where in the human body cillia move substances?
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Move substances along the surface of cells?

Flagella, pseudopodia. cilia

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What are interactions of cilia?

cillia interact with mucus in the repiratior tact to move fluids and bacter out of the lungs to be expelled from the body

What do eukaryote cells use to move?

If they have pseudopods, cillia or flagella they can move.

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Paramecium move with cillia.

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Do prostist move?

Yes they do. Protists move with tiny hairlike structures around the edge of them called cillia.

How do substances move from the blood to the body cell?

transportation system

Paramecium have hair-like structures on the outside of their body called?

Thehairs on the paramecium are called cillia, it then is able to move in all directions

What is the difference between pseudopod and cillia?

a pseudopod is a "fake foot" or the movement of the cytoplasm, but it is not an actual structure. Cillia are actual external structures, and they look like hairs. They have motor proteins which cause them to move