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that depends on the Bacteria that are in the mouth and lungs at the time.

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Q: Which bacteria is spread over food if you cough over it?
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Why do not people cover their mouth when they cough?

Most people are simply not aware of how many germs are spread by a cough. One cough can spray germs over a six-foot area! Many illnesses, such as the cold, are spread by breathing in what someone else has coughed up. It seems obvious to cover the mouth, but there are actually many people who have never been taught.

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Explain how the fungus spread to newsources of food?

The spores of the fungi spread over long distances and germinate where food is already available.

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A persistent cough lasts for over a week , with no response to cough syrups.

Is Ceron cough syrup a narcotic cough suppressant?

It is an over the counter, NON-narcotic cough medicine.

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The hockey stick spreads the known concentration of bacteria evenly over the agar plate.

Does any over cooked food Poison younlike raw food does?

No, because cooking food kills of bacteria on the food. The longer it is cooked, the fewer bacteria there are for you to ingest and possibly make you slightly ill. However, if the food has already "gone-off", it will still not be safe to eat no matter how long you cook it for.