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A simplified explanation of the semi-conservative replication of DNA is this:

  • Semi-conservative means that one of the original DNA strands acts as a template to make an identical replica
  • DNA helix unwinds to form a straight ladder structure
  • Polymerase (enzymes) weaken the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs
  • The 2 nucleotide chains of the parent DNA separate
  • The exposed bases act as templates for free nucleotides to bond to
  • Enzymes ensure that the bases pair in the correct combinations, the newly formed structure coils
  • Tah dah, 2 double helix coils have been formed
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11y ago
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9y ago

There are a number of ways the DNA molecule could be described as replicated. Some say that DNA molecules replicate like rabbits.

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13y ago

The process is called semi-discontinuous replication. It is vastly controlled by a large number of factoryases.

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State why DNA replicates.?

DNA replicates so that it can make an exact copy of the DNA molecule.

When a DNA molecule replicates are the 2 new strands identical?

Yes, they both are [all but] Identical.

How do the new copies of DNA compare to the original DNA?

DNA replicates using the process called semiconservative replication. An original DNA molecule is complementary to the replicated molecule, which means that they are identical copies of each other.

How do you compare DNA to a zipper?

Like a zipper a DNA molecule has two "spines" and jutting out "teeth" that lock together to join the spines. When DNA replicates, it "unzips".

When DNA replicates one of the two strands in each daughter DNA molecule is new discuss what is required for this replication and why it is important that the DNA is copied exactly.?

meiosis and mitoses

which best describes the structure of dna molecule?

Answer:Two strands of DNA link together

Name two ways in which DNA molecule is important in the life of a cell?

DNA codes for proteins, which do all the work in the cell, and DNA replicates so that the cell can divide into 2 daughter cells.

Does DNA replicate in mitosis?

no DNA replicates before mitosis. It replicates in the S phase of inter phase

What is the term which describes the fact that half of the old DNA molecule is kept in new molecule?

Semiconservative replication

What does the DNA do to prepare for division?

it replicates

DNA replication involves producing new copies of DNA molecules. How many individual DNA strands exist after one molecule of DNA has been replicated?

DNA is made of 2 strands so when it replicates the strands separate and 2 new strands complete the old strands. leaving 4 strands making 2 sets of DNA, both sets of DNA consist of one old strand and one new strand.- Sierra A. Buchanan

When DNA replicates what else duplicate?
