

Which human body parts grow fast?

Updated: 6/20/2024
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brain cells

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1mo ago

During childhood and adolescence, individuals typically experience rapid growth in body parts such as bones, muscles, and organs. The hands, feet, and facial features also tend to have periods of accelerated growth during this time.

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11y ago

It depends on the age of the person. A young person's bones and soft tissues like muscles grow very fast.

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Mamta Patel

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Hazel Hammes

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idk if your right

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Q: Which human body parts grow fast?
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How fast does the human body grow?

The rate of growth varies depending on the individual's age and development stage. During puberty, growth can be much faster, with the average growth rate of 1-2 inches per year in height. Other parts of the body, such as muscles and organs, also continue to grow and develop throughout childhood and adolescence.

What parts of body still grow when dead?

After death, the hair and nails may appear to continue growing due to the skin retracting as it dries out, giving the illusion of growth. However, there is no actual growth occurring in the body after death.

Which part of human body doesn't increase by birth till death?

There is no human body part that doesn't grow.Related Information:There are parts that grow more or less, or faster or slower than others, but all body parts grow with the individual.

What two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?

Your nose. After adults have reached their full height, some parts of their bodies continue to grow. Name these parts. toenails, fingernails, actually shrink when you grow older because the platelets in between your spinal segments flatten Any part of your body that is made of cartilage continues to grow. As in Ears and Nose. Of course there are fingernails and hair but I wouldn't consider those "body parts." Hope that helped.Your liver heals itself and lives forever unless it loses that capability due to fat, disease, or alcohol. Your nails and hair grow your entire life.

What part of the human body exports proteins?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER), specifically the rough ER, is responsible for the synthesis and export of proteins in the human body. Proteins are made in the ribosomes attached to the rough ER and then transported to the Golgi apparatus for further processing and sorting before being exported to their final destination within or outside the cell.

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Does the human body grow as fast as the elephant?


Can cockroaches grow to the human body?

cockroaches can not grow to the size of an human body that would be immposible

What parts of your body grow hair?

The human body is covered with hair but the head, chest ,arm pits, legs, area around the reproductive organs grows thicker

How fast does the human body grow?

The rate of growth varies depending on the individual's age and development stage. During puberty, growth can be much faster, with the average growth rate of 1-2 inches per year in height. Other parts of the body, such as muscles and organs, also continue to grow and develop throughout childhood and adolescence.

How fast can a person grow?

The human body grows at different rates, depending on if you are a male or female, and your age. For instance, after 2 years of age, you grow about 2 inches a year, until puberty.

Can people grow back their body parts?


Can houseflies grow back body parts?

No they can not

What part of the face never grows from birth?

The nose and ears are the only parts of the human body that continue to grow throughout a person's life.

What part of human body does not grow?

I am fairly certain that most parts in the human body grow, although the eyes grow the least. The eyes are nearly the same size at birth and when you are 90. It's not very noticeable though without really expensive equipment

What parts of your body grow when you are dead?

nails and hair!

Why do some parts of the body grow more than others?

because they are stronger than the other parts of the body

How do you grow breasts for nine year old fast?

Your body controls the hormones that grow breasts.