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During anaphase

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Q: Which step of mitosis does the following sentence describe.The paired chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell?
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Yes, it is always true. If it was "opposite day", the actual meaning would be taken as 'it is opposite day'. If it was not opposite day, the sentence would be taken as read and would be correct. On Opposite Day : "It is not opposite day" = "It is opposite day" = True On Any Other Day: "It is not opposite day" = "It is not opposite day" = True If you said it WAS Opposite Day, it won't always be true.

Use chromatin in a sentence?

The word "chromatin" can be used in many ways in a sentence; for example, as a way of indicating its molecular significance: "Chromatin performs important DNA-related functions for cells." It can also be used more generally, such as in the following sentence: "The student was required to prepare a report on 'chromatin' for the next class."

What is a sentence with chromosome?

Chromosomes are the vital message passing things during birth. This is a sentence containing the word chromosomes.

A sentence that uses homologous chromosomes?

Chromosomes have the same sequence as a homologous.

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They are simple-what is the opposite of 'simple' in this sentence?

The opposite of simple in this sentence is complex.

Can I get a sentence for chromosomes?

Chromosomes are the message transferring things in humans. They are part of our biological body.

How would you use chromosome in a sentence?

I have 64 chromosomes.

What is a sentence using the word chromosomes?

Chromosomes are thread-like structures found in the nucleus of animal and plant cells.

Use chromosome in a sentence?

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes

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The opposite status of a chemical compound could be an element, or a mixture. The opposite of the adjective compound (multiple) could be single. For sentences, the opposite of a compound sentence is a simple sentence.

What is a sentence with metaphase in it?

At the stage of metaphase, chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell. Homologous chromosomes pair up.