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Q: Which substance is responsible for determining which cell or cells will eventually become cloned?
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In clonal selection of b cells which substance is responsible for determining which cells will eventually become cloned?

there are 100,000 antibodies on the surface of b-cells which are specific for particular type of antigen therefore if specific antibody recognize the particular type antigen then it attach with it and activated.

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As temperature increases in a substance, the component particles become more energetic and eventually a phase change occurs.

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Become persistant in a responsible mentality, doing things that require more responsibility and working towards something higher. Eventually it will become a habit, and you probably won't need to even think about it.

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Carbon dioxide will eventually become oxygen

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As far as we know, the sun will never become a neutron star. it will eventually become a Red Giant and then it will eventually become a white dwarf

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At the freezing point a substance become a solid.

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now adays kids of 13 and 14 are also not responsible for their actions from 15 kids start to become responsible.

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Heat flows to a colder substance by conduction. For instance, the handle on an all metal poker, pushed into a coal fire, will eventually become too hot to grasp with a bare hand. The heat has travelled from the hot fire to the once cold handle.

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Uranium eventually breaks down into lead.

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the substance will become an entirley new substance.