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1. Which one of the following statements best describes the relationship of strategy formulation and strategy implementation stages? a. Strategy implementation is positioning forces before the action; Strategy formulation is managing forces during the action. b. Strategy formulation requires good intuitive and analytical skills; Strategy implementation requires special motivation and leadership skills. c. Strategy formulation focuses on efficiency; Strategy implementation focuses on effectiveness. d. Strategy implementation is primarily an intellectual process; Strategy formulation is primarily an operational process. 2. In the SMART goal criteria, 'Relevant' suggests which one of the following? a. Are you able to assess your progress? b. Do you know exactly what you want to accomplish? c. Is your goal pertinent towards your purpose? d. What is the deadline for completing your goal? 3. Which of the following is preferable to be incorporated into written objectivestatements? a. Maximize profits b. Minimize losses c. Increase production by 10% d. Maintain adequate capacity 4. Why do changes in company strategy often require changes in the way an organization is structured? a. Structure depicts how goals will be established b. Structure depicts how authorities will be delegated c. Structure depicts how resources will be obtained d. Structure depicts how financial resources are spent 5. Which one of the followings is NOT a major factor that commonly forbidseffective resource allocation? a. Organizational politics b. Vague strategy targets c. Long run financial criteria d. Lack of sufficient knowledge 6. Which of the following represents the most simple and economical organizational structure? a. Strategic business unit b. Functional structure c. Divisional structure d. Matrix structure 7. Which one of the following hypothesis is NOT true about managing conflicts by keeping in view "concern for one's own outcomes and concern for the outcomes of the other party"? a. High concern for both one's own and the other party's outcomes leads to attempts to find mutually beneficial solutions. b. High concern for one's own outcomes does not lead to attempts to "win" the conflict. c. High concern for the other party's outcomes only leads to allowing the other to "win" the conflict. d. No concern for either side's outcomes leads to attempts to avoid the conflict. 8. ABC Corporation has streamlined its operations by cutting costs, such as payroll or reducing its size through the sale of assets. You have to identify the activity ABC Corporation is involved in. a. E-Engineering b. Re-engineering c. Restructuring d. Benchmarking 9. Force change strategy engages which one of the following? a. Attempts to convince individuals to adopt change themselves b. Involves giving orders and enforcing those orders c. Describes information to convince people of the need for change d. Illustrates that change must be viewed as an opportunity rather than a threat 10. What percentage of total assets the production processes of a firm typicallycovers? a. More than 70 % b. More than 65 % c. More than 60 % d. More than 55 % 11. Problems related to the cross training of employees for getting better understanding of the whole business include all of the following EXCEPT: a. Skilled workers may dislike unskilled workers b. Older employees may not want to learn new skills c. Firm may require ample investments in training d. Employees may provide worse ideas in planning session 12. All of the following are examples of marketing decisions that require policies EXCEPT: a. Either to become a market leader or follower b. Whether to advertise online or not c. Either to offer a complete or limited warranty d. Whether to use billboards for outdoor advertising or not 13. Market segmentation is especially used in implementing strategies by which of the following firms? a. Small firms b. Large firms c. Medium-size firms d. All the firms 14. Which of the following is considered to be a key of matching Supply anddemand? a. Segmentation b. Positioning c. Targeting d. Placing 15. Which element is NOT an example of place decisions? a. Quality and Safety b. Market coverage c. Warehousing d. Reverse logistics

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Q: Which terms best describe the position of the knee to the hip?
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Describe the location of the knee cap in as many ways you can using directional terms?

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Why knee-chest position in sigmoidoscopy?

knee-chest position / jack-knife position. :)

Describe in directional terms the relationship between the patella and the ankle?

The ankle is distal to the knee. The knee is proximal to the ankle. Distal means further from the reference point, proximal means loser to the reference point.

What is the other name for knee chest position?

knee elbow. you idiot.

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Another name for knee-chest position?


What do you call the skin on your knee?

The inside of the knee, or knee "pit," is the popliteal fossa.The front of your knee is the prepatellar skin. Wagina, wenis, weenus, or magina, are not real terms or acceptable to describe any body part (even elbows and knees).

Is knee-deep a noun?

No, the compound word 'knee-deep' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun; for example, a knee-deep stream or knee-deep mud.

What does the term lateral mean when pertaining to medical terminology?

In medical terminology, the term "lateral" refers to a position or direction that is away from the midline of the body or structure. It is used to describe structures that are located farther from the center of the body.

What position is used for rectal examination?

Its up to the physician which one he or she wants to use. Either knee-chest or jack-knife, but most use the knee-chest position; Which is usually more uncomfotable for the patient. Its up to the physician which one he or she wants to use. Either knee-chest or jack-knife, but most use the knee-chest position; Which is usually more uncomfotable for the patient.

What are words that start with X that describe the Wounded Knee Massacre?

· xenophobic