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Q: Which the structure of the lungs can be compared to the structure of a branching tree.which part would correspond to the trunk of the tree?
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How does boiling and melting points vary as branching in a hydrocarbon chain increase?

As branching increases, the size of the molecule is more (when compared to its unbranched isomer). Hence there are more number of molecules per unit area / volume. Hence the melting point increases, as branching increases.

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it is being compared to the structure of the city

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the thing that is compared to leaves from conifers are needles

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It can be compared to the galaxy and the floating stars.

Why can the structure of the universe be compared to soap bubble?

It can be compared to the galaxy and the floating stars.

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Amylopectin has what characteristics?

Amylopectin is a branched-chain polymer of glucose that is a component of starch, characterized by frequent branching points that create a highly branched structure. It can be broken down into glucose units for energy more quickly than amylose due to its branched structure. Amylopectin is less prone to retrogradation compared to amylose, making it more suitable for applications where a gel-like consistency is desired.

What advantage does the branched-chain structure of glycogen provide compared with a straight chain of glucose?

There are several advantages because the glycogen molecule is branched. It is a better storage facility for glucose because the branches make it more soluble, and the glycogen is also synthesized more quickly.

What cell structure can the dialysis sac be compared to?

The cell membrane

How will you compare the inner structure of the earth with that of the sliced egg or fruit?

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The Greeks