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Q: Which tissues have the least amount of matrix stratified squamous epithelium areolar connective tissue osseous tissue dense irregular connective tissue or blood?
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Related questions

What kind of epithelium is in the epidermis?

stratified squamous epithelial and simple cuboidal epethilium.

What epithelium tissue is the epidermis of the skin?

The epidermis is made up of stratified squamous epithelium.

What type of epithelium line anus?

Simple stratified epithelium lines the anus.

What type of epithelial tissue forms the dermis of the skin?

There are 2 regions of the dermis. The superficial layer is made of areolar connective tissue and the deeper layer is made of dense irregular connective tissue.

An epithelium built to withstand friction is what?

B. stratified squamous

What heals faster stratified squamous or stratified columnar epithelium?

Simple columnar epithelium cells will heal faster than stratified squamous cells. The stratified squamous cells rarely have contact with blood.

What epithelium tissue provides the greatest protection from mechanical injury?

Stratified Squamous provides the best protection because it is the outer layer of our skin. Your epidermis is stratified squamous epithelium!

Are melanocytes found in the stratified squamous epithelium?

yes, mealoncytes are found in the stratified squamous epthelium

What type of epithelium can be found in the epidermis?

Stratified Squamous

Consists of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium?

Stratified = layered; Epithelium = exterior, as compared to mesothelium or endothelium; Squamous = are flattened cells, obvious to be layered: need help/input/please,

What type of epithelium are found in the nasopharynx?

psuedostratified ciliated columnar epithelial cells and goblet cells

What does the epidermus contain?

Stratified squamous epithelium.