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white blood cells

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Bone marrow produces all blood cells.

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Q: Which type of blood cells are lymphocytes and monocytes?
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What is mature and maturing lymphocytes?

monocytes ( a type of defensive white blood cell or leucocyte) are immature when they leave the blood vessels but mature and develop rapidly into active cells called macrophages.

Which cell is not the same type as the others?

Erythrocytes are not the same type of cell a neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and monocytes. In the defense response neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and monocytes are.

What kinds of lymphocytes are there?

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell. There are two kinds of lymphocytes. These are the T-cells and B-cells.

What type of white blood cells are b cells?


What are the 3 type of white blood cell?

the three types of white blood cells are lymphocytes which produces a chemical called antibodies, to destroy the bacteria. The second type is antitoxins and they neutralise the poisons that the bacteria are making. Another type is phagocytes which engulf (eat) the bacteria into the cytoplasm and kill them

What general blood type are T cells and B cells?

They are lymphocytes WBC.

What type of white blood cells fight infection by phagocytosis?

Macrophage is the correct answer for Apex

What type of cell is a leukocyte?

Basophils, Eosinophils,& Neutrophils (BEN)

What type of blood cells are lymphatic?

Lymph nodes are packed full of white blood cells, usually lymphocytes.

ARE Macrophages lymphocytes?

The type of leukocyte that becomes a macrophage is a monocyte. Macrophages are cells that digest cellular debris and pathogens.

Which white blood cells turn into macrophages in tissue?

Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that begin their lives as monocytes. monocytes develop into macrophages or dendritic cells. For stem cells, please visit BOC Sciences

What is the two main type of white blood cells?

Lymphocytes and Phagocytes