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Meiosis would result in new cells that are different than the parent cell.

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Q: Which would result in new cells that are most different from the parent cells?
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Which would result in new cells that are most different from the parent cell?

Meiosis would result in new cells that are different than the parent cell.

Offspring that result from meiosis and fertilization each have?

gene combinations different from those of either parent

If a parent cell has 16 chromosomes daughter cell will have?

If the cell undergoes meiosis the resulting cells will actually only have 4 chromosomes. Metaphase I will result in two cells with 8 chromosomes and metaphase II will result in 4 cells with 4 chromosomes each. 16. The ovum and the sperm are the only cells that undergo meiosis. The chromosonmes polarize and split in one half so the resulting cells have the correct chromosomes

Which term best describes the type of cell division in which parent cells produce daughter cells with same number of chromosomes as the parent cell?

That would be "Mitosis". In Mitosis, the daughter cells are identical to the parent cell, chromosome number and all.

What problem would in future generation if meiosis did not precede the formation of gametes?

i believe that if meiosis did not cut the number of chromosomes in half, we would have more than 46 chromosomes, essentially killing off future generations because the daughter cells would be different from the parent cells.

What kind and how many cells are formed in meiosis?

If your have a single parent cell during meiosis it will make 4 daughter cells. These cells are called gametes and if the parent cell is in a male they would make sperm cells an for a female it would make eggs

What arrangement of three cells would result in the longest life?

Three cells in parallel will have a longer life.

How many chromosome do daughter cells have at the end of mitosis if the parent had 32?

there would be two daughter cells each containing 16 chromosomes

Would there be identical cells in an animal organ?

No all cells are different

What result would A drug designed to inhibit the response of cells to testosterone almost certainly result in?

Feminization of a male

What would be the number of chromosomes in tr daughter cells if the chromosomes in the original parent cell did not duplicate?

46 (2n : 46), is the number r of chromosomes in tr daughter cells if the chromosomes in the original parent cell did not duplicate

What would happen to the daughter cells if the parent cell did not make a copy of its DNA before it divided?

Then it would not have enough copies of chromosomes to give the right amount to the daughter cells. This may result in half the daughter cells receiving the DNA and half receiving no DNA - or else...