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1. Connective Tissue Proper- Extracellular fibers and a syrupy ground substances

2. Fluid Connective Tissue- Watery matrix

3. Supporting Connective Tissue- Densely packed fibers, the matrix consists of calcium salts

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13y ago

FIBROBLAST produce collagen fibres and ground substance that form the matrix of fibrous connective tissue.

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Q: Who produce the fibers and ground substances that form the matrix of fibrous connective tissue?
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Collagenous fibers are the tough fibers of connective tissue.

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Fibroblasts produce three types of connective tissue fibers: collagenousfibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers. Of these, collagenousand elastic fibers are the most abundant.

Has numerous collagen fibers that give strength to skin?

Abundant collagenous and elastic fibers are found in the dermis. They are responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin.

What is the makeup of the matrix in connective tissue?

The matrix consist of fibers and ground substances that determines the character of the matrix, which in turn difines the kind of connective tissue.

What is fibrous substances in regular food?

All the leafy vegetables have fibers. Also bran cornflakes, many cereals and pulses have fibers.

Provides great strength through parallel bundles of collagenic fibers found in tendons?

Dense fibrous connective tissue

What connective tissue forms protective layer of eye?

Fibrous connective tissue which is the type of tissue that makes up the tendons and ligaments in your body. This connective tissue is comprised of mainly collagenous and elastic fibers.

What is known as fibrous tissue?

The combining form "fasci/o" means "fibrous muscle cover, fascia." The fascia is the soft connective tissue that surrounds and supports the muscles. thanks to for the CMA review

Is collagen and connective tissue the same?

Technically they are the same. Fibrous connective tissue is basically any kind of connective tissue different than adipose and areolar. The fibrous connective tissue has more fibroblast and collagen fiber (a characteristic of dense connective tissue) but no much of elastic fibers (which is the histological difference with cartilage). Of course, we have to exclude blood, lymph and bones from the fibrous tissues because they are specialized connective tissue and have totally different characteristics than dense and loose connective tissue.

How do loose and connective tissue differ?

Loose Connective Tissue consists of a lot of ground substance and it has all 3 types of protein fibers. Dense Connective Tissue on the other hand has little ground substance, few cells, and although it has most protein fibers it mainly consists of collagen fibers.