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Insane in the membrane ...insane in the brain lololololol ...hahaha ...

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Q: Why are many membranes that are present in cells interchangeable?
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Why do cells have membranes with many convolutions?

Cell membranes have many convolutions because they increasee the surface area to volume ratio, thus increasing the diffusion rate.

What would happen to the body if the membranes got damaged in the human body?

It depends oh how many membranes were damaged and what kinds of cells were damaged.

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6 cells

Structures found in plant cells but not animal cells?

Plant cells have cell walls as well as cell membranes; animal cells only have cell membranes. Also, plant cells would have chloroplasts (the organelles that turn sunlight into sugars). Animal cells usually have many smaller vacuoles (stores waste, water, and nutrients), while plant cells usually have one big vacuole.

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The cell wall and chloroplasts are not present in animal cells although they are both present in animal cells.

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Plant Cells have many Organelles, such as a Chloroplast, which is not present in animal cells

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2 parent cells and 3 daughter cells

What is the importance of membranes being selectively permeable with respect to living things?

It helps in maintaing the specificity of compounds that enter and exists from the cells. Also it helps in maintaining the osmoregulation in many cells.

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