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Tendons are very flexible, and also very resistant to extension. If arm muscle tissue was directly attached to the bone, then extreme movements would very easily tear the tissues and damage the muscle.

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Q: Why are there more indirect- that is tendinous- muscle attachments to bone than there are direct attachments?
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Why are there more indirect muscle attachments than direct attachments?

Indirect attachments are more common because of their durability and small size.

Why are there more indirect-that is tendinous- muscle attachments that direct muscle attachments?

The deltoid muscle attaches to the anterior and lateral acromion primarily by direct tendinous attachment. The muscle attaches to the dorsal side of the acromion by periosteal fiber attachment.

Why are there more indirect-that is tendinous-muscles attachments to bone then there are direct attachments?

Tendons are very versitile. They are made of collagenous tissue which is highly resistant to extension and also relatively flexible. The main attachment sites of skeletal muscles are tendons. Tendons are the main attachment type for skeletal muscle to bone or cartilage. Tendons are by far the most important tissue for attachment and are present wherever the point of insertion is distant or the muscle must exert its forces of contraction across a joint.

What muscle pulls the tendinous cords?

The papillary muscles pull on the tendinous cords

The tendinous intersections are found in what muscle?

rectus abdominis

What is trauma to a muscle or the muscle-tendinous units from violent contraction or excessive forcible stretch?

a muscle strain

What bone has no muscle attachments?

the Talus

What are examples of muscle with three attachments?

The triceps brachii is a muscle with three attachments.

A tendinous seam running from the sternum to the pubis symphysis that indicates the mid line point of fusion of the abdominal muscle sheaths?

The tendinous seam running from the sternum to the pubic symphysis is called the linea alba.

Which muscle provides rippled abs?

The rectus abdominus is the main muscle the provides rippled abs. This muscle together with linea alba or also called as white line and the tendinous intersections builds up the core of our abs.

What is the difference between an aponeurosis and a tendon?

They are basically the same thing......connecting muscles to bones but tendons are cord-like and aponeurosis is sheetlike.Describe the difference between a tendon and an aponeurosis

What is differwnce between strain and sprain?

A sprain refers to the overstretching of ligaments. A strain reders to the overstretching of muscles.