

Why do I wake up with neck pain?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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You may wake up with neck pain because your bed is too soft or too hard, your pillows is too soft, too hard, too tall, or too short, or a variety of other reasons. Consult a physician if the problem continues.

This is true but bottom line is that we need to fix this issue. The softness or firmness of the pillow can be one problem. Most times what we need is a neck roll to keep the normal "C" curve in the neck ( when looking at it from the side. A pocket the head sits in helps to keep the spine straight, looking at it from front to back, or back to front. Putting the spine in it's normal position will take pressure off the nerves and keep pain away...

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If you wake up with neck pain, your pillow may be to blame. This can be especially true depending on the severity of how you sleep. If you're not getting enough sleep as a result of this neck pain, then it's time to do something about it. Buy a cervical neck pain pillow online that is made of memory foam to provide a custom fit for each person. It relieves pressure points and relaxes your muscles, reduces neck pain, improves restful sleep, and promotes proper neck alignment by keeping the cervical curve intact when you sleep. Buy a cervical neck pillow from Solace Cart LLC and save your neck and back from painful twinges of pain.

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go to the doctor and make sure its not serious If you don't go to the doctor, take motrin, ice it down, or massage where it hurts

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