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Substance need to move into and out of cells so that the cell can live and function normally For example: Carbon dioxide is a substance that moves out of a cell as it is toxic waste, if it was not moved out of the cell then the cell would die. Oxygen is a substance that moves into a cell as it is required for metabolic reactions to occur. glucose is a substance that moves into a cell as it is also required for metabolic reactions

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15y ago
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8y ago

Cells must get rid of waste because it contains toxins like bacteria and viruses. If these begin to multiply in the cell, it dies. After the cell is dead the viruses or bacteria infection spreads to the other cells and they die and it goes to the other cells and they die, you get the point. If the cells die then the body becomes weak and tired do to lack of energy. If most of the energy comes from glucose and mitochondria then that means when all the cells in an area die and the other cells are still dying the body, the person should probably go or the hospital.

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15y ago

Because that is what they do. Your asking a question philosophers have been asking centuries on end. Why does x do y. In my opinion, it's unanswerable.

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Q: Why do cells constantly take in and get rid of substances?
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