

Why do fungi exist?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Many fungi play a crucial role in decomposition (breaking things down) and returning nutrients to the soil. They are also used in medicine, an example is theanribiotic penicillin, as well as in industry and food preparation.

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Q: Why do fungi exist?
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yes, if they exist in the ecosystem, they are the decomposers

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Fungi, Bacteria, Archaea and Protista

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Fungi are just as essential to our biology as other microorganisms. Without them we would be lacking food and medicine.

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Life on earth could not exist without fungi. The Fungi Kingdom has been on earth since about 1,500 million years ago.

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It is not that it is important but it exist and scientist dont agree to put it with the kingdom plantae because plants make their on food, and fungi dont.

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An organism that can only exist only as a group of cells?

multicellular, such as bacterial colonies, fungi such as mushrooms and us, such as animals.

The symbiotic associations involving plant roots and soil fungi are considered?

These fungi are called mycorrhizical fungi, and many exist. I could list a few mushrooms visible to us, and non-hypogeal. (Meaning not underground) Amanita mushrooms, Boletes and Tuber.