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All the cells in a body have a specific function and purpose and have all developed themselves to be the best they can for that purpose (for example, muscle cells will need to move a lot and so they need a lot of ATP (energy) from the mitochondria whereas a cell somewhere else might need less mitochondria and more ribosomes to make proteins for growth). If there is a mutation in one of these cells it means that the cells function is no longer specific to what it was before, as the mutated cell replicates there are more and more copies of the mutated cells all serving a different function to the original one which makes them different to the organism with the original cells. (Thats just the changing of cells in one organism that could then be passed onto an organism of the same species - bt would still be differen).

If the DNA mutates it will change the way all the bases on the DNA fit together - because DNA is what makes something what it is, a mutation here will cause the organism to change. This organism will then breed more and the genes will be passed by meiosis onto the daughter cells of the organism.

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Q: Why do mutations make organisms different from one another?
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What is a collection of different organisms living in an ecosystem?

A collection of different organisms is an ecosystem and the collection of all of Earth's ecosystems is a biosphere.Also, actively interbreeding organisms in a particular area is called a population and populations make up communities.

What does DNA do to organisms?

they help living organism get enough information to make another organism

What do you call organisms that make food?

Organisms that make their own food are called "producers" or "autotrophs."

How can a mutation give an organism an advantage?

The most obvious example of the principle is found in the hospital closest to you. Hospitals need to be vary careful about the possibility of bacterial infection, since people admitted to hospitals often have weakened immune systems, and the possibility of infection during surgery is always there. Bacterial infections are often treated with anti-biotics, that target specific mechanisms and structures in the bacterium. Unfortunately, bacteria are continuously evolving, mutating, producing new variants. Mutation of the gene associated with the structure that is targeted by a specific anti-biotic can cause the bacterium to become immune to the anti-biotic, rendering it useless, and increasing the risk of infection for patients. This has lead to the evolution of MRSA - Methicillin- (or multiply) resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that is insensitive to multiple types of antibioticum and a serious concern for hospitals.

How are autotrophs and heterotrophs similar and different?

Autotrophs find their nutrients from inorganic sources, such as carbon dioxide and sunlight. Auto means self, and these organisms, which include such things as plants, make their own food in some sense. Heterotrophs eat other organisms, living or dead. You and I are heterotrophs. "Hetero" means "other", so we depend on other organisms to make their own food, and then we eat them. Both autotrophs and heterotrophs share other characteristics of living organisms, like the ability to reproduce and grow.

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De Vries believed the process of evolution was driven by what?

Mutations. He was the father of saltation. The big jump idea that organisms could make large morphological changes by beneficial mutations all at once.

How can mutation affect protein synthesis in cell?

Mutations can make the protein synthesise incorrectly making diseases or weak parts in your body. Mutations can affect protein synthesis in cells by affecting the protein, messing up the whole DNA sequence and making the organism different from other average organisms.

Make up different phyla?

the different domains and kingdoms specify the phylums of different organisms

What is a collection of different organisms living in an ecosystem?

A collection of different organisms is an ecosystem and the collection of all of Earth's ecosystems is a biosphere.Also, actively interbreeding organisms in a particular area is called a population and populations make up communities.

What is a another word for an organism that does not make its own food they eat other organisms?


What does DNA do to organisms?

they help living organism get enough information to make another organism

What was another idea that was presented in Charles Darwin's book?

Male organisms often possess special features that make them more attractive to female organisms.

How do you make another account on our Facebook?

make another with a different name, but you will have to have another email to go with the new account.

What make the planet earth a different planet?

It is one of a few that are able to support living organisms.

Why are phylum and organisms different?

Phylum is a primary division of the animal kingdom, the major taxonomic group of plants and animals which further contain classes. Organisms are divided in kingdoms,phyla, classes to make it easy for research and clarity in this vast range of different variety of organisms.

How are point mutations different from flame shift mutations?

Point mutations are when a single nucleotide is replaced by a different one, but this doesn't affect the length of the DNA sequence, which usually will not affect the way the protein that is produced. A phase shift (what I think you meant) mutation is caused by an addition or deletion of a base that changes the length of the sequence. This causes problems because codons to make proteins are in sets of 3 and deleting a nucleotide makes the reading frame different and will add incorrect amino acids to the proteins from the mutation on, resulting in an ineffective protein.

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