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if you don't then gasses and steam build up inside and it explodes.

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Q: Why do you need to put fork when boiling meat?
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Can you boil human bone?

You can put anything into boiling water. Not much point it doing it to a human bone, you can get arrested for such activities, unless you are doing legitimate medical research or working for a crime lab.

What materials do a plants need to carry put Photosynthesis?

the sun

How do you test something for starch in biology?

You often test something for starch using Iodine. For example, if you have a piece of potato and you put a tiny bit of Iodine on the sample, if it goes orange, then you know that the potato has starch, however if it remains purple, then that means there is no starch in the sample. May I recommend a wikipedia article for more indepth information on the testing of starch. Plants store the glucose for starch. If you put some Iodine Solution on a piece of bread or pasta or some crisps. If it contains strach it will turn black. Plants should have the same reaction. For plants you put the leaf in boiling water. You then put it in some Ethanol. Then put in boiling water. Wash the leaf with water. Cover in Iodine solution. Wait for a few minutes then come back. It should be black if it contains starch.

What was a historical experiment performed to test the theory of spontaneous generation?

In 1668, Italian physician Francesco Redi performed an experiment to test the prevailing theory that maggots were formed spontaneously (abiogenesis) in rotting meat. He took 4 pieces of fresh meat and put them in containers, covering two of the containers with paper and leaving the other two uncovered. In a day or two, maggots appeared in the meat samples that were uncovered, because flies had laid their microscopic eggs in the meat. No maggots appeared on the covered pieces of meat, the ones the flies could not reach. In 1745, however, John Needham experimented with boiling solutions to prevent spoilage in grain. Needham either did not boil his solutions long enough, or accidentally contaminated the results, because he found bacteria that had apparently appeared spontaneously. These results were challenged by the Italian Lazzaro Spallanzani in 1768, and eventually by Louis Pasteur, who proved in 1859 that bacteria existed in the open air but did not form by themselves.

What is brucellosis in goats?

Simply put, it's a bacterial disease that causes abortions. Meat is safe, as it it cooked. Milk is safe if it is pasteurized. Very RARELY doesit pass to humans, but can spread among goats and cows.

Related questions

How do you sterilize eating fork and spoon?

put it in a sterilzer. or you can also put it in boiling water for few minutes. It will kill all the germs.

How do you make meat tender?

beat it with meat hammer or stabb it with a fork a few times

When is the best time to put salt and meat to the water before boiling or when it is boiling?

It's best to put it in RIGHT BEFORE it's boiling. Time it out right so that when the water is just beginning to bubble, drop it in.

How do you boil hamburger for dogs?

Wrap the hamburger meat in a piece of cheese cloth which is large enough to secure with a knot at one end; put the wrapped hamburger meat in a saucepan of boiling water for a few minutes until tender. Alternatively, a metal strainer containing the hamburger meat can be put over a saucepan of boiling water.

Can you put the jumbo lump crab into the microwave after the cooking?

Physically yes you can. Most meat doesn't do well in the microwave for anything but defrosting since it's basically boiling the meat.

Is the boiling point of one liter of water different from the boiling of 2 liters of water?

No, boiling point is not affected by volume. What will change is the amount of energy you need to put in to get it to boiling point.

How much meat is in a meat pie?

-Hold it with one hand and take bites out of it. -put it on a plate and eat with knife and fork. -Cut it into pieces and share it. -Make a hole in the middle of it to cool it down then eat it like a doughnut. -Put ketchup on it (or tomato sauce if your from Australia or new zealand).

What is a spoon and a fork put together called?

A spoon and a fork put together is called a spork.

I need a really good prank to play on my friend?

If you are still going to school, then this prank will work. When it is lunch time, take their fork/spoon! then they will go to get a plastic fork from someone, you put it where they see it after they take a bite with the plastic fork, put it in front of their lunchbox where they can see it. Then they will have two forks!

What ingredients can you put in a broth?

Broth is a soup made by boiling meat, fish, vegetables, etc; in water. It is also another name for stock.

Is pooping a fork normal?

Only if you put a fork in your digestive system first.

After dinner do you put your knife and fork straight or at an angle on your plate?

You put your knife and fork side by side across the plate.