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Extremophiles are microbes that adapt to very extreme environments. These benefit from being single-celled because there is less to adapt.

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1mo ago

Being single-celled allows extremophiles to adapt quickly to changes in extreme environments due to their simpler structure and metabolism. They can also reproduce rapidly, increasing their population size to enhance survival chances. Additionally, single-celled extremophiles can exchange genetic material with other nearby cells, increasing genetic diversity and aiding in adaptation.

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11y ago

look it up in a local library or your school science book or simply ask a teacher

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Q: Why does being single-celled give a species of extremophiles a greater chance of survival?
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What are four types of toxic extremophiles?

Acidophiles: organisms that thrive in acidic environments. Alkaliphiles: organisms that prefer extreme alkaline conditions. Halophiles: organisms that live in highly saline environments. Thermophiles: organisms that thrive in high temperatures, usually above 45°C.

What is the opposite of survival?

The opposite of survival is extinction, which refers to the complete disappearance of a species or population.

What does species survival status?

Species survival status refers to the likelihood of a species surviving in the wild based on factors such as population size, habitat loss, and threats from human activity. Species can be classified as "endangered," "vulnerable," "near-threatened," "critically endangered," or "extinct," among other categories, to indicate their survival status. Conservation efforts are often aimed at improving the survival status of threatened species.

Why is Reproduction is not essential for the survival of an individual organism but is essential for the survival of the what?

Reproduction is essential for the survival of a species because it ensures the continuation of the genetic line and prevents extinction. While an individual organism may survive without reproducing, if a species as a whole did not reproduce, it would eventually die out.

What are archae also known as extremophiles?

Archaea are single-celled microorganisms that are known for their ability to survive in extreme environments such as hot springs, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and highly acidic or alkaline conditions. These extremophiles play a crucial role in Earth's ecosystems by contributing to biogeochemical cycles and serving as a source of inspiration for biotechnology and astrobiology research.

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Why does being a single-celled give a species of extremophiles a greater chance of survival?

look it up in a local library or your school science book or simply ask a teacher

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It is a defence against predators. The more that aren't eaten, the greater the chance of survival of the species.

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Species Survival Network was created in 1992.

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Survival and reproduction is the perpetuation of the species.

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it increases the biodiversity of the species

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it increases the biodiversity of the species

What are survival of the fitters?

Survival of the FITTEST - is the theory that the strongest, fastest or most agile members of a species - will procreate and carry on the reproduction of that species.

What does threats to their survival mean?

These are factors, human or otherwise, which affect survival of a species.

What is a species that influences the survival of many others in an ecosystem?

Keystone Species

In what way do adaptions help survival of a species?

It increases the biodiversity of the species.