

Why does cloning only involve mitosis?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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it involves getting animals or humans DNA and reprodusing it

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Q: Why does cloning only involve mitosis?
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Name a structure occurring in animal mitosis but not in plant mitosis?

The Cleavage FurrowCleavage furrow involve in cytokinesis. Centrioles are found only in animals

How are mitosis and mitosis similar?

they both involve duplicating chromosomes

What is the finished product of mitosis?

Mitosis is simply the cloning of the original cell. So the final product of mitosis is just a clone of the original cell.

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What does complete human cloning involve?

cloning a complete human involves taking genes or cells froma human and letting them do the rest

What is artificial cloning?

When a clone is made without the use of artificial cloning. Natural cloning: Twins, mitosis, asexual reproduction Artificial cloning: SCNT, therepuetic + reproductive cloning.

When complex plants are produced by cloning what process is involved?

when complex plants are produced by cloning mitotic cell division process is mostly involved

What does cloning a human completely involve?

cloning a complete human involves taking genes or cells froma human and letting them do the rest

How are mitosis and meiosis alike?

they both involve the reproducing of cells

How are mitosis and meiosis the same?

They both 'involve' the Cytokinesis Event.

How many rounds of division does meiosis involve versus mitosis?

meiosis involves 2 cell divisions while mitosis involves 1

Who is involved in cloning?

Cloning typically involves scientists who specialize in genetics and biotechnology. These experts manipulate the genetic material of an organism to create an exact genetic replica. Cloning can also involve researchers, technicians, and ethicists who contribute to the various aspects of the process.