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Your body needs movable and immovable joints to be able to move, such as your knee joint. Your knee joint helps you run. There also is a hand joint that helps move your hand. Immovable joints shouldn't be moved because it is not neceesary. For further explaination, use Google as a source.

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Q: Why does your body need movable and immovable joints?
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Why do we need joints in our skeleton?

There are three main categories of joints. They are immovable, slightly movable, and freely movable. Immovable would be joints that are sutured together such as your cranial bones. Slightly movable involves the disc of cartilage between two bones such as your intervertebral discs. Freely moving includes many different ways of meeting up. This includes ball and socket (shoulder and hip), hinge (elbow and knee), pivot (first two vertebrae in spinal column), saddle (thumb), gliding (wrists), and condyloid (knuckles and jaw).

Why do you need joints?

We need joints to help us move and bend our body, also we have joints to get flexibility in out bones.

Why do you have joints?

we need joints to keep our body up right with no joints our bones will be all over the place and floppy.

Why you have joints?

we need joints to keep our body up right with no joints our bones will be all over the place and floppy.

Why does the human body need joints?

Joints make us move and walk.

Why does the body need more than one type of joint?

Becasue some joints are not cabable of certain movements we require to do and other joints are too unnesecerrily complex.

Do you need all the joints in your body?

Only if you want to move properly... do you plan on getting rid of one of them?

What are the types of movement for the ball and socket?

Synovial joints are the most common and most moveable type of joints in the human body. As with most other joints, synovial joints can move at the point of contact of the articulating bones. The main structural differences between synovial and fibrous joints is the existence of a capsule surrounding the articulating surfaces of a synovial joint and the presence of lubricating synovial fluid within that capsule

What is a physological need?

A physiological need is normally something which you can see about the body and the ability to see what the body needs.. So say as an example.. if someone has Rheumatoid arthritis, the changes that happen to their body is the redness and swelling of joints. And a need for them would be medication to like reduce the swelling...

How do fats affect your growth?

it helps provide energy for your body and as you grow you need more fat to cushion you joints and the protect your organs

Why do we need vertebrates?

They need skeleton for strength , support ,firmness of body and in most of the cases in some bones ,bone marrow helps in the formation of blood .e.g. human beings.

Why do you need joints for your bones?

=i think they help you by pretecting your body and i think they pretect the bones and muscles...=i think joints help you by pretecting your body and keeping your muscles and bones safe. BY HANEEYAH Y4