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Because it only has 4 valence electrons so it can make 4 bonds.

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8y ago

Carbon can form four bonds.It is small.It can form long chains

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9y ago

Because our life is organic!

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Q: Why is carbon an integral part in all macromolecules?
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Are carbon atoms also called micromolecules?

No, but carbon is a part of nearly all macromolecules.

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What element do all four macromolecules have in common?


What do all macromolecules have in common?

Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Which element is presented in all the larges macromolecules in the human body?


What kind of macromolecules are built from carbon atoms that living organisms obtain from the carbon cycle?

All of them since they are organic. Lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids are considered to be the 4 groups of biological macromolecules.

What do all macromolecules have in common in each other?

they are all formed from the same elements.

Which element is present in all the large macromolecules in the human body?

All the macromolecules in the human body are basically Carbon covalently bonded to other elements- mostly Hydrogen, Oxygen and other carbon atoms. There are other elements, but they don't appear in all of the body's macromolecules.It is Carbon.

Name given to all gigantic molecules made up of thousands of carbon atoms?

These substabces are macromolecules.

What do organs consists of?

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic AcidsMainly carbon (C).The four macromolecules are organic compounds. And all organic are carbon-based. Inorganic are metals and do not have carbon.

What elements are present in organic macromolecules?

Molecules of carbons are known as orgains. Since carbon is the main atom of carbohydrates, proteins and other macromolecules they are said to be organic. There is no in organic macromolecules exist in our cell.

What Atoms are found in all macromolecules?

Every macromolecule has at least carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are also found in many macromolecues.