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In general, cell division is important to both prokaryotic and your eukaryotic cells because it's used in reproduction, growth, repair, and development.

Cell division helps sexually reproduction, as in the case of meiosis, where the cell develops from a single cell, to an adult organism. Cell division helps to function in renewal and repair. It replaces cells that die from normal wear and tear or accidents. Millions of cells divide every second to replace damaged or lost cells.

Cell division is also important to asexual reproduction, as it provides growth and maintenance of multicellular organisms as in the case of mitosis. Such as in the case of African violet plant leafs, sea stars, and yeast cells.

Also remember, without mitosis and meiosis are essential to the cell division process as well if there isn't continues cell division of exact same genetic material (mitosis) then we cannot rebuild cells like when you have a paper cut. Meiosis is important because without it would seize reproduction and variation within species.

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10y ago

In eukariyotes cell division is needed for reproduction,growth,wound recoveries,regenerations etc.Prokariyotes need it in reproduction.

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