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Heamophilia A is caused by an impairment of a protein (clotting factor VIII deficiency) which is used to prevent clots. It is also used to produce fibrin, which is used in platelet activation. Without platelets, cellular differentiation is severely limited, leading to pre-natal death.

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Q: Why is haemophilia a lethal gene in its homozygous state?
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The mortailty rate of lethal white foals is?

if the foal is a true homozygous for the lethal white gene then it is 100% mortality. The colon is under-developed and can not be corrected for at this time with surgery.

What gene produces an effect only in the homozygous state?


Why are lethal homoygous recessive disease are rarley elimimated from a population?

Because as they are homozygous recessive they are only lethal when a person inherits an allele from both parents, meaning that each parent must be heterozygous carriers of the gene, and even then it's only a 1 in 4 chance that the offspring will be homozygous recessive and therefore it's unlikely they will die. And if they do not die then the will survive to likely pass on the gene.

What is a synonym for a homozygous?

Homozygous is the state of the two alleles of a gene both being dominant.A synonym could be same and an antonym could be heterozygous.

Example of a sexually influenced trait?

One example of a sexually influenced trait in humans would be haemophilia. The gene responsible for haemophilia is located on the X chromosome, and if a man receives a gene from his mother (men's X chromosomes always come from their mother) that is positive for this trait, he will exhibit haemophilia. Women must have two X chromosomes that are positive for haemophilia in order to exhibit the trait, because it is a recessive gene.

What is a gene combination for a single trait?

homozygous dominant, heterozygous, or homozygous recessive

What is genotype at the Q gene?

at the q gene the genotype is homozygous.

What is a good sentence with the word Homozygous?

A cell is said to be homozygous for a particular gene when identical alleles of the gene are present on both homologous chromosomes.

What type of alleles are presented in a homozygous genotype?

homozygous(different gene)-Rr heterozygous(same gene)-RR,rr

What is it called when an organism that has two alleles that are the same?

the organism that have two identical alleles would be called homozygous for that particular gene.

What is it when you have a gene pair that consist of two dominate alleles and two recessive alleles?

The name of the gene pair that consists of a dominant and recessive allele, i.e. (Xx) will be a heterozygous allele. In this situation, the characteristics of the dominant characteristic will mask that of the recessive allele. People have have a heterozygous genotype may be carriers for diseases that reside on the recessive allele.

What type of gene has Identical alleles?
