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Sexual reproduction that causes genetic mixing based on the genetics of both parents is a good thing in evolutionary terms, because it creates new genetic combinations, which creates more variation than you would get from asexual reproduction, and variation in turn allows for natural selection to operate. If every organism in a species is effectively the same, then the principle of survival of the fittest has very little to work with, since all organisms are equally fit. If there is variation, then the better variants will survive and reproduce more than the worse variants will, and as a result, the species will evolve, and become better adapted to its environmental niche, whatever that may be.

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Two organisms are more desirable than one in reproduction because greater variety is achieved when you merge two organisms with different DNA. If a single organism reproduced the replica would be a exact copy of its parent. With two organisms combining their different DNAs, a unique organism is created, which may have certain attributes which makes it superior to its parents, and therefor have a stronger chance of survival. The exact replica dies, while the unique one survives.

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Q: Why is it good for 2 parents to produce an offspring and have different genes?
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What are minor genetics between parents and offspring?

The offspring of parents have half of the parents genes (as you already know) but the mixture will produce a totally unique individual. Some of the genes will be exactly the same between all of them such as blood type or eye color. Sometimes a mutation may have occurred which will produce a completely different expression of the genes.

Sexual reproduction produce offspring that are?

A mixture of the genes of both parents.

Offspring that result from crosses between parents with different traits?


What can sexual reproduction produce?

...Babies!Sexual reproduction produces an offspring that has a mixture of genes from both parents.

What kind of offspring are produced from sexual reproduction?

Offspring that are genetically different from its parents. Each parents contributes half the number of chromosomes, therefore the offspring has genes from its mom and from its dad.

Why is it important for an offspring to inherit the traits from its parents?

Offspring must inherit traits from its parents because it parents contained genes that were dominant and survived. the genes passed from parent to offspring are important because they are the dominant genes of survival. they passed of survival genes to help their offspring live longer.

What role do genes play traits from parents to offspring?

the genes play a big roll in the offspring. Genes are important because they make you look like your parents

What are the responsibilities of genes?

Genes pass the traits of the parents to the offspring.

How are traits passed from parents to offspring?

by genes

Characteristics offspring inherit from there parents?

genes that we get from our parents that are passed down to the offspring.

What carries genes from parents to offspring?

The chromosomes are the ones that carry genes from parents to offspring. This is done through meiosis where sex cells are produced.

How sexual reproduction produce in indentical offspring?

its in the genes