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It is natural. They are known for shedding.

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Q: Why is the bark peeling on your weeping willow?
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What color is the bark of a weeping willow?

There's about 400 or more known species of Weeping Willows. So, the color is a huge scale. Google will help.

What is the venation of the Weeping Willow?

The venation of a weeping willow is: Pinnate.

Should you capitalize the words Weeping Willow tree?

weeping willow

Does the weeping willow has fruits?

yes it does.the weeping willow has brown fruits.

Is a weeping willow a perennial plant?

A Weeping Willow is a tree so it is perennial.

Which tree can cry?

You are thinking of a weeping willow, but I don't think it really cries.

What birds animals or insects live in a Weeping Willow tree?

Birds are among the chief temporary residents of willow trees. A variety of insects inhabits willow trees and shrubs. Some breed in the foliage or bark.

Is a weeping willow tree deciduos?

Yes, the weeping willow drops its leaves in Autumn.

What is the scientific name of the weeping willow tree?

what is the scientific name of a weeping willow tree

Is the weeping willow native or invasive?

Not all non-natives are invasive. The Weeping Willow is not native to the Americas. Weeping willow Salix babylonica is a native of China and is not invasive.

Will ants harm a weeping willow?

No, if anything the Weeping Willow would harm the Ants by the around of Aspirin they produce. But, the answer is no. The Weeping Willow will keep the Ants away on its own. If they still find a way to your Weeping Willow. Use a spray to secure the area.

Does aspirin from a plant?

Aspirin is NOT a 'herbal remedy' - it's a chemical, known as acetylsalicylic acid, discovered by Bayer AG in Germany in 1897 .