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Hot coffee will kill your plants.

If you water your plants with cold coffee (what a waste) you will be introducing additional organic material into the soil. It may serve to enrich the soil but if it also encourages the growth of bacteria and mold, it may work against the plant. The only way you're going to find out will be to test it.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Yes, it is very likely for beans to grow on plants, did you ever wonder that if real beans for a taco or something grows under ground and that's why they turn into rocks. We it is pretty much the same with the coffee beans but a little way in the opposite way.

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15y ago

I would say no because plants need water to grow and probably not have growth sped up by caffiene or sugar because plants make their own sugar called glucose.

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12y ago

Yes it is! I'm doing a science experiment and it has been doing the best out of the other liquids.

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Q: Would plants grow taller if watered with coffee?
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