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A germinating bean seed is an example of a heterotrophic organism. Heterotrophic entails using only organic materials as a source of food.

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Q: Would you consider a germinating bean seed to be autotrophic or heterotrophic?
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Is a British soldier autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Answer The words "autotrophic" and "heterotrophic" are biological terms describing how an organism metabolyses carbon. Broadly speaking, an autotrophic organism is something like a green plant which metabolyses carbon by photosynthesis and a heterotrophic organism obtains carbon usually by eating an autotrophic organism. As a human, a British soldier would be heterotrophic.

Is cnidaria autotrophic or heterotrophic?

The organism itself is heterotrophic but it may possess a symbiotic algae living within it which acts as an autotroph. Overall it would be considered heteroptrophic.

Are all cells are autotrophic?

The first living cells had to be autotrophic because if they were not then they would die, autotrophic bacteria produce oxygen and can live in our older Earth's climate. Any other would die from a lack of oxygen.

Is paramecium heterotrophic?

Yes. Paramecium do not preform photosynthesis, which would make them autotrophic, so they must ingest their food for energy. Bacteria, for instance.

Expalin without autotrophic organisms heterotrophic life would cease to exist?

Autotrophic organisms are those that are capable of creating their own energy from non-biological sources. Without these producers, heterotrophs would cease to exist because they would have no primary source of nutrition.

What is the kingdom for anaerobic bacteria?

It is both some fungi are aerobic and some such as yeast are anaerobic

Could someone explain the statement without autotrophic organisms heterotrophic life would cease to exist?

sure. where would heterotrophic life get its energy? someone somewhere somehow has to produce it or in this case bind the energy into a usable form which we all eat. if nothing did that then what will we eat??? which,BTW, is why the matrix makes no sense cos energy has to come from somewhere!

Is a koala heterotroph or autotroph?

A koala bear is not a plant, so it can't be an autotroph. Koalas consume autotrophs, so they are heterotrophs.

Why do non green plants exhibit heterotrophic nutrition?

i dont know if i know i will ask yo0u....

What would happen to a germinating seed if the water dried up?

The seed would stop growing.

Would you expect a heterotrophic organism to grow in an inorganic synthetic medium?

No because heterotrophic organism require an organic carbon source.

Which type of seed dormant or germinating would use food at a slower rate?
