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Autotrophic organisms are those that are capable of creating their own energy from non-biological sources. Without these producers, heterotrophs would cease to exist because they would have no primary source of nutrition.

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Q: Expalin without autotrophic organisms heterotrophic life would cease to exist?
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Could someone explain the statement without autotrophic organisms heterotrophic life would cease to exist?

sure. where would heterotrophic life get its energy? someone somewhere somehow has to produce it or in this case bind the energy into a usable form which we all eat. if nothing did that then what will we eat??? which,BTW, is why the matrix makes no sense cos energy has to come from somewhere!

How did Aristotle classify organisms?

Aristotle classified living organisms by dividing them into two groups; those with red blood and those without. brug

What organism is unlikely to be preserved as a fossel?

Organisms without bones, such as mollusks (snails).

Organisms that belong to the same class must belong to the same?

Organisms that belong to the same class are of the same species. They will be able to reproduce without a problem.

Where Do Monerans Live?

Monerans, or bacteria, live everywhere. They are in the soil, in water, in the air, and in and on us. Human, and other, life without them would be impossible. They, along with Protists and Fungi, breakdown and return organic compounds back into all food webs. Some Monerans are autotrophs. They use energy from sunlight to make food. Other autotrophic Monerans live at the ocean bottom and use the energy contained in minerals emitted from steam vents to make food. Autotrophic bacteria form the base for the life that exists in those deep depths. Heterotrophic bacteria in our intestines breakdown food for us. We could not digest plant material without them. Some Monera require oxygen for life processes(aerobic ), and some do not require oxygen( anaerobic).

Related questions

Organism that obtains its food from other organisms?

An organism that obtains its food from other organisms is known as heterotrophic. Autotrophic organisms include green plants, algae and chemobacteria that live in deep water trenches. Without autotrophs- no other life woudl exist. The real answer is a consumer.

Could someone explain the statement without autotrophic organisms heterotrophic life would cease to exist?

sure. where would heterotrophic life get its energy? someone somewhere somehow has to produce it or in this case bind the energy into a usable form which we all eat. if nothing did that then what will we eat??? which,BTW, is why the matrix makes no sense cos energy has to come from somewhere!

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an aye aye which comes from madagascar dan

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the basic characteristics scientists look into to group organisms are:- 1) CELL STRUCTURE: whether it's prokaryotic(without a nuclear membrane) or eukaryotic(with a nucleur membrane). Also, whether it's unicellular or multicellular. 2)MODE OF NUTRITION: Whether it's autotrophic(prepares it's own food), heterotrophic(depends on others for food) or saprophytic(depends on dead matter) 3)COMPLEXITY OF ORGANISATION: Where the animal is placed in the evolutionary cycle. the higher on the evo. cycle, the more complex the organism...

What organism obtains nutrients by eating other organisms?

It is called a consumer.An organism that obtains its food from other organisms is known as heterotrophic. Autotrophic organisms include green plants, algae and chemobacteria that live in deep water trenches. Without autotrophs- no other life woudl exist.

What does algae?

What algae will consume depends on the particular species of algae, whether autotrophic, heterotrophic, or mixotrophic, and the conditions it is in. Photoautotrophic algae (plant-like algae) mostly need sunlight, Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus as well as water and CO2. Other species are able to survive without sunlight and others feed on bacteria and sugars instead of making their own sugars. Sometimes even photoautotrophic and heterotrophic algae if in lack of O2, they can no longer respirate so they go into anaerobic respiration and ferment.

Eukaryotic or pro karaokes are one called organisms without organelles?

Prokaryotes are the one cell organisms without organelles.

What two kingdoms are used to classify bacteria?

There are two kingdoms of bacteria namely Monera & Protists.Normally Protists is a link between the Monera's & Fungi,Animalia & Plantae .Monera's are the unicellular prokaryotic organisms bacterias, having one single cell.Protists are the multicellular bacterias having many cells.Scientists can easily classify them broadly into two separately.The organisms in the kingdom Monera are unicellular or filamentous. THE CELLS ARE WITHOUT MEMBRANE-BOUND CELL Organelles are either motile or non motile,they exhibit autotrophic,heterotrophic,parasitic or saprophytic mode of nutrition.Reproduction is either asexual or with the help of fission or,eubacteria,cyanobacteria,actinomycetes,etc.

Are there living organisms without cells?


Where does bacteria get energy?

By feeding on other organisms. Some bacterias are also photosynthetic and are able to produce energy using sunlight. Others are also chemotrophic and are able to produce energy using inorganic chemicals.

Do fungi produce carbon dioxide?

Unlike plants, mushrooms breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, just like people, but without lungs.

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