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If you find tiny blood clots on your panties when you wake up, it could be the start of your period. Girls normally start their period around 11 or 12 years of age, but they can be a little younger or a little older than that. There is nothing wrong, it does not mean that you are not healthy. It is your body's way of changing from a girl into a young woman.

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Q: You do find tiny blood clots on your pantie when you wake up what could this be i am healthy?
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If im spotting with blood clots could i still be pregnant?

You can still be pregnant even though you are spotting and loosing blood clots.

Why cant you use birth control with having blood clots?

Birth control pills increase the risk for blood clots. If you already have blood clots, birth control pills could make the clots worse. There are other birth control methods which could be good alternatives, condoms, diaphragms, shots, and IUDs.

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It is possible for blood clots to obstruct blood flow. It's not likely that all of the blood flow to your hand could be blocked, though.

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What does it mean when you have unusually bright red menstrual blood with big clots in it and it came 4 days late?

Probably nothing, but could be a sign of infection. If the blood clots have a white center, you may have miscarried. If you miscarried though it would be very painful and you'd fill more then 2 super maxi pads in 2 hours. My period has blood clots all the time and I am healthy- my gyn said that's normal.

What are the particles in urine during a bladder infection?

It could be blood clots.

What are the symptoms of blood clots after arthroscopic knee surgery?

swelling. numbness. pain. in your calf area. call immediately it could be deadly.

What could block a blood vessel?

Cholesterol, blood clots, fat embolism', even plastic from a hypodermic needle that has broken off can block blood vessles.

Why is your grandma having big blood clots come out of her nose?

There are many different things that can cause blood clots during a normal nose bleed. There may have been an injury to the nose, irritation from an illness, or it could be something more serious such as an inability to stop blood from flowing.

I have blood clots, and need to know the symptoms. Are they deadly, or very painful If so, how do I treat them?

blood clots they can affect you in many way you can have you in your heart that will cause you to die. You could have one in your leg and that will cause a sharp pain and lose of function in your leg. and blood colts are formed when there is a break in the blood vessel wall.

What does the blood clot look like when you miscarry and pass the baby?

Just miscarried today at six weeks. I woke up covered in blood. Went to the bathroom. I could feel the blood clots as they passed so they were pretty big. I have been aware of it for three hours and I am still passing big clots of blood.

What are the symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis?

Your red leg could be crucial blood clots. Blood clots are symptoms of deep vein thrombosis. Red, swollen, and warm legs are three of the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis. You should probably go to a doctor , and have it checked out.