A bird is a vertrebrate as it has a spinal cord (backbone). However, it is the only animal with feathers to have a spinal cord, as we believe that feathers were descended from scales. They also have a wish bone.
The answer lies in their DNA, but the simplest way to tell that hummingbirds are truly birds is that they have feathers, and the only living creatures with feathers are birds.
there is no such thing there is no bird that is not a bird even if it doesn't act like a bird
Cherokee's did not have feathers; only birds have feathers. Cherokee's collected bird feathers so any feathers they had looked like the same bird feathers you see today.
I have never heard of a bird making a nest in a bird bath. I believe they only make nests in trees. I wouldn't worry about a bird making a nest in your bird bath. It's more used as a decoration.
yes infact the penguin doesn't have feathers But they do. All birds have feathers of some sort.
Hummingbirds. The nest of the bee hummingbird, the smallest bird in the world, is only 3cm in diameter.
They are the only species with feathers.
yes, only birds have feathers. Robins, Ostriches, penguins, you name it. The whole bird family.
it is a robin
it is a robin