there is no such thing there is no bird that is not a bird even if it doesn't act like a bird
Yes. Some types of birds (like ducks) moult all their feathers at once and so have a period when they cannot fly. Other change one or more feathers at a time and can always fly.
No, all birds have feathers. Feathers are a defining characteristic of birds and serve essential functions such as insulation, protection, and aiding in flight.
Birds replace their feathers periodically in a process called molting. During molt, old feathers are shed and new feathers grow in their place to maintain the bird's ability to fly and insulate itself.
No,not all birds that have wings and feathers can fly. An ostrich & peacock can't fly and they both have feathers and wings. Birds like the ones I named have small wings that's why they can't fly. All their muscles are in their legs.
Some of the more obvious are:-Feathers, Wings, a beak, two legs and most (but not all) can fly, they also lay eggs.the legs help them to perch on trees,warmblooded.And the most important feature is that they have a four chambered heart like mammals.
Ostriches have down feathers. Because they can not fly they have no need for contour feathers...
Birds cannot fly at all without their feathers.
the tail has flight feathers and the flight feathers help a bird to fly.
Down feathers keep them warm Counter feathers help them fly
You have to have a Fly Fishing Rod and some Feathers to fly fishing.
Ostriches can't fly.
Vampires are a type of bat; although they have no feathers, they do fly.
Its their species
no,they dont