Captain Cook did not discover Australia. Notwithstanding the presence of Australian Aborigines, and the Asian sea-slug traders who visiter the continent's northern shores long before Eureopean settlement, Australia was "discovered" by Dutch explorers in the early 1600s.
The boat in which Captain Cook explored and charted the eastern coastline was the H.M.Bark Endeavour.
The Endeavour
Cook's first boat was the HM Bark Endeavour, followed by The Resolution.
Captain Cook
yes on a ship
The first vessel which James Cook commanded was the HM Bark Endeavour. At this stage, James Cook was not yet a captain.
James Cook did not own the boat The Endeavour. It was provided for him by those who sponsored his expedition, and it was an ex-collier.
James Cook's first command was on the HMS Bark Endeavour.
He was looking for a man who stole a boat from his ship
there were 42 people on cooks ship
Endeavour I know because it is on the 50 cents in New Zealand It was the bark, Endeavour, though Cook was a lieutenant at the time, not yet a captain.
Captain James cook stole a fairy boat and took aboriginals with him to every exploration, when the police found the boat, they fined him $7000 but they did not take him to jail Because they new he was trying to explore.
Captain Bucks boat is at the Port.