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There are many different kinds of sugars. They are a group of polysaccharides. Some sugars are simple, like glucose, and some are more complex, like wheat germ. Sugars in food come from plant sources. In fact, almost all plant foods including vegetables contain at least some sugar. Plants make sugar to store energy they collect from the sun.

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Q: Sources of sugar
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there are two types of sugar we can get natural sugar such as in fruits and processed sugar such as powder sugar if that's what your asking for?

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Sugar beets are one of the world's main sugar sources and an important source of sugar for the United States

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Sugar beets are one of the world's main sugar sources and an important source of sugar for the United States

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What are dietary sources of carbohydrates?

Fruits, vegetables, sugar, milk, and grains are the primary dietary sources of carbohydrates.

Is sugar made from a plant?

Yes. There are several commercial sources sugar cane, sugar beets, maple sap, plant nectar (honey), corn

Why doesn't sugar grow in the UK?

Sugar does grow in the UK. The sugar is extracted from sugar beet, not sugar cane. You can see more information about the sugar growing process in the UK in the Sources and related links section, below.

What is sugar...?

"Sugar" generally refers to granulated or table sugar. Essentially all sugar is vegan. All major sources of sugar come from plants such as sugar cane, sugar beets, or corn (think corn syrup). No major sources of sugar are derived from animals. In theory you could come up with a method to extract sugars from animals, but it is extremely doubtful that anyone could come up with an economically viable way to do it in bulk.

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