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Vitamin == == That is the correct answer for the real time quiz on horseisle.

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Q: A compound you need to live but which your body cannot make is called a what?
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A compound which you need to live?

A compound that a person needs to live is called a nutrient or a vitamin. Minerals are also needed for the body to live.

What is a compound you need to live but your body cannot make?

Your body doesn't make B-12. You have to ingest food with B-12 in it so your body can receive it.

Does a dog head live without its body?

no a dog cannot live without it head

Why you cannot live in another planet?

We cannot live in other planets because there are no enough oxygen there . Also the temperature there is not accepted by our body

How do hallucinogens kill you?

"The body cannot live without the mind."

Why frogs can live on land but its babies cannot?

young frogs have to constantly be re-hydrated in a body of water.

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What bacteria that cannot live without oxygen called?

Obligate aerobes

Why are viruses consider to be nonliving?

They cannot live outside of a host.

How do you remove all blood from your body without dying?

You cannot live without blood

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if they donot get co2 they cannot breth and they live in earth

What body of water has so much salt that even fish cannot live in it?

The Dead Sea.