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An electrolytic solution where there are two immersed plates the cathode and the anode connected to an electrical power source. Alternatively in an electrolytic cell containing molten salt.

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A flow of charge that can be caused by ions moving in an electrolytic solution is an electric current.

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Q: A flow of charge can be caused by ions moving in what?
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What type of molecule gains a charge when dissolved in water?

If it can be dissolved in water, it will have a charge because it will form freely moving ions, so basically, all molecules that are soluble in water will form freely moving ions, which are charged

What is the definition of primary current?

Primary current is defined as the current flow within a neuron caused by the inflow of ions. These ions flow through ionic channels opened by activity in the synapses.

How does electriciyt flow through water?

Water almost invariably contains a selection of ions in solution. Ions are charged species that are free to move in solution, stabilised by their electron configurations and interactions with water (which usually forms solvation shells around them). Since the flow of electricity is just the net movement of electrons from one place to another, ions in water can conduct electricity, because they will move from one place to another. The charge of the ions moving from one place to the other has the same effect as the flow of electrons through the water.

Is electricety a solid liquid or gas?

No, it isn't any of those. But it is the flow of charge(positive, negative ions!)

What is the flow in an electric current?

An electric current is the flow of electric charge, carried by electrons in the conductor. Unless, it is a conducting solution, in which case the currents may be moving ions carried by water. Unless, it is the solar wind, in which case it is the stream of electrons and protons from the Sun carried by the vacuum of space and their own inertia. So, just to be on the safe side, electric current is the flow of charge and it does not matter what the charge is and it does not matter whether it is in a condcutor or interstellar space as long as it is moving.

What is the definition for electrical energy?

Energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a resulting from the flow of charged particles, such as electrons or ions:)energy resulting from the flow of charged particles, such as electrons or ions

The dissociated parts of an electrolyte are?

The ions of the solution composing the electrolyte. In aqueous solution, salts are completely dissociated into their ions, and the ability of the ions to flow in the solution allows them to carry charge and serve as an electrolyte.

What does conductivity tell us about the nature of chemical substances?

The chemical substance must form ions in solution if it is conductive. Ions are required for charge to flow through a solution.

Why is copper 2 sulfate solution a good conductor?

Copper (II) sulfate solution is a good conductor of electricity as the copper (II) ions and the sulfate ions are free moving in the solvent. So, there are free moving ions to carry the charge from one end to another

When does electric current flows?

Simple Answer:The definition of a current is a collection of moving charges.Hence for current to flow, one needs charge and one needs it to move.Electric current flows when charge move - that is the definition.Long Answer:One generally sees current flow on Earth with a conductor and a voltage or potential difference that creates and electric field and charges in the conductor feel a force and move creating current.The conductor may be a wire and the charges may be electrons.The conductor might also be water with dissolved salt and the electric field causes the salt ions to move and it is the moving ions that constitute the current.If you are the Sun and you are producing electrons and protons on the solar wind, then complex electromagnetic fields may have ejected the charges from the sun, but the current that is the charge moving through space is maintained just by the inertial of the particles. You don't need an electric field to maintain the current and you don't need a conductor to hold the charges.For a current to flow, you need net charge moving. That is all. Current is technically charge density times velocity.

In the process of electrolysis current can flow through a liguid because?

because of the presence of charge carriers called ions in liquids.

Are ions charged and isotopes not?

Ions are charged particles caused by the loss or gain of an electron moving the atom from its ground state to an excited state. an isotope is formed from the loss of a neutron.