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hydrogen bonds with the polar end of the phospholipid molecule

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Q: A phospholipid molecule has a polar and a nonpolar end because of this water molecules form what kind of bond?
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Nonpolar molecules are attracted to positive forces?

Because a nonpolar molecule has no overall charge, it will not interact with a positive force.

What polar molecules are attracted to water?

Hydrophobic molecules do not dissolve in water. This is because water is hydrophilic. Another way to say this is that lipids, which are nonpolar, cannot dissolve in water, which in polar.

How would a polar molecule like water travel through the plasma membrane?

The structure of cell membrane allows nonpolar molecules to diffuse, but not polar molecules. Membrane architecture is in the form of a phospholipid bilayer. A single phospholipid has a "head" composed of a polar NH3 group, and two "tails" composed of nonpolar fatty acids. The lipids spontaneously arrange themselves into bilayers with the hydrophilic heads directed outward, and the hydrophobic tails facing inward. Because nonpolar solvents can only dissolve nonpolar solutes, polar molecules cannot mix with the nonpolar inside of the lipid bilayer. A polar molecule cannot cross the cell's lipid membrane without aid from a carrier protein. While this is true, there are multiple forces that dictate whether or not a molecule can cross a phospholipid membrane, including electrochemical gradients and size. Very small and non-polar molecules have a very easy time crossing the phospholipid bilayer. However, very small, polar molecules like water can also cross the phospholipid bilayer due to hydrostatic pressure and concentration gradient differences. Water will, but with some difficulty because of it's polarity. Aquaporins, protein channels embedded into cellular membranes allow for sufficient amounts of water to diffuse into cells.

Water and nonpolar molecules do not easliy mix?

Water and oil doesn't mix because the water is a polar molecule and oil is a non-polar molecule. There will always be more molecules of water than oil.

What is the difference in the strength of attractions between polar as nonpolar molecules?

No. A polar molecule (such as water) has partial positive and negative charges at each end, but these partial charges balance out to zero overall, leaving the molecule as a whole neutral. This is due to electrons being shared unevenly be the atoms in the molecule. A "charged molecule" would not be called a molecule. It would be called a polyatomic ion. A polyatomic ions has an overall net charge due to there being a different number of protons and electrons.

How do Phospholipid interact with water?

Phospholipids do not interact with water, because water is polar and lipids are nonpolar.

What assists the movement of polar molecules across the membrane A. Passive Transport B. Active Transport?

Polar molecules must pass through the membrane via active transport. This is because the cellular membrane is mostly nonpolar, and polar and nonpolar molecules repel each other. Only nonpolar molecule (i.e. hormones) can pass through the membrane without active transportation.

What is in a substance that makes it hydrophobic?

Substances are hydrophobic because they are nonpolar. Nonpolar molecules are made up of elements with little difference in their electronegativities so they do not have charges or partial charges. Water is a polar molecule so it tends to be attracted to other molecules that are polar as well. This is often summed up as "like attracts like". Some examples of hydrophobic molecules include fats and oils which are nonpolar because they have large hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains.

Polar molecules mix well with what kind of molecule?

quite simply: polar. Polar mixes well with polar. Nonpolar mixes well with nonpolar.

Carbon dioxide is nonpolar because it is?

A linear shaped molecule.

Is I2 an ionic bond?

I2 is a nonpolar covalent because it doesn't have only 2 atoms.

Can polar molecules have non polar bonds and still be polar?

I can't see how.Note that the opposite is a different story: it is possible for a molecule to be nonpolar despite having no bonds that are not polar. For example, consider CCl4, which is nonpolar due to its geometry despite the individual C-Cl bonds each having a substantial polarity.