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Hydrochloric acid by far the more dangerous and poisonous! It is fully ionized, whereas Carbonic acid is not.

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Q: Acid most dangerous carbonic acid or hydrochloric acid?
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What is the harm of carbonic acid?

Carbonic acid is not dangerous; carbon dioxide is nonrespirable.

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Carbonic acid has the formula of H2CO3.

Can anyone list 5 organic acids?

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Is Hydrochloric acid is stronger than carbonic acid?

hydroiodic acid is stronger than hydrochloric acid it easier for the dissociation of iodide ion than chloride ions due to weaker hydrogen-iodine bond than hydrogen-chloride bond.

What happens when carbon reacts with hydrochloric acid?

it make carbonic acid for you to eat poo and pee spaghetti

Can you please give the definition of the follwing hydrochloric acid citric acid nitric acid carbonic acid boric acid sulfuric acid potassium hydroxide sodium hydroxide?

Hydrochloric acid is a aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCl) and is a strong acid.

Name specific substances that are acids?

All acids have H in them. Some examples of acids are: Carbonic acid Hydrochloric acid Sulphuric acid

What is a list of common acids?

list of common acids are: hydrochloric acid nitric acid acetic acid sulfuric acid citric acid carbonic acid phosphoric acid oxalic acid cream of tartar