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Since the electrons in a smaller atom are closer to the protons in the nucleus, the pull is stronger, so it tends to hold on the the electrons rather than release them during a reaction. Think of a magnet trying to lift a paper clip from far away instead of close up; that's why larger atoms tend to only loosely hold their electrons.

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6y ago

Yes. Ionization energy (IE) is the energy required to remove one electron from the valence shell of a gaseous atom, forming a positively charged ion (cation). Metals have low IE, and give up their valence electrons to nonmetals, which have high IE. IE increases from left to right across a period, and decreases from top to bottom down a group.

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9y ago

No; the phrase given characterizes high rather than low ionization.

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11y ago

it depends how far it is from the nucleus. the lower in the Periodic Table, the further it is from the nucleus.

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Q: Atoms with a low ionization energy hold tight to their outer valence electrons?
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What indicates how strongly an atoms nucleus holds onto its valence electrons?

It is ionization energy, and the bond itself is called a covalent bond.

What is the ability of an atom to borrow or lend electrons?

Nonmetal atoms are the atoms that borrow electrons. The number of atoms that can be borrowed or lent are what's known as valence.

Why are valence electrons used in bonding?

The valence electrons in the otermost shell of an atom are from an energy point of view the easiest to rmove or share with other atoms. The inner sheel alectrons are much more tightly bound. The important measure of this energy is the ionization energy.

What is the periodic trends in ionization energy?

The ionization energy increases because the energy required to remove a valence electron will increase. The atoms want to keep their valence electrons because as you move more towards the right of the Periodic Table towards the noble gases. To write an abbreviation for electron configuration, it requires a noble gas and the valence electron configuration.

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Valence electrons form the bonds between atoms in a molecule.

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The ionization energy increases because the energy required to remove a valence electron will increase. The atoms want to keep their valence electrons because as you move more towards the right of the Periodic Table towards the noble gases. To write an abbreviation for electron configuration, it requires a noble gas and the valence electron configuration.

The ability of atoms to combine with other atoms is determined by?

The number of electrons of both atoms and its valence number.

How is the ionization energy of an element defined?

Ionization energy is the energy needed to remove 1 mole of loosely bonded electrons from one mole of atoms or ions.

What is the energy needed for the process of removing electrons and forming charged atoms is called?

The ionization energy of an element.

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