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allows you to quickly interpret molecular C's are written and generally no H's unless to show 3-d structure see this site see question #2a ^^^

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4mo ago

A bond line formula is a compact way to represent the structure of a molecule in organic chemistry. In this format, carbon atoms are implied at the corners and ends of lines, along with hydrogen atoms, unless another atom is specifically shown. Bond line formulas are a useful tool for quickly conveying molecular structures.

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What do you the line between chemical symbols in a structural formula is called?

The covalent bond. One line is a single bond, two lines between atoms is a double bond and three lines is triple bond

What line drawing represents the molecule with the formula C6H14?

A zigzag line represents the molecule with the formula C6H14, which is hexane. Each angle in the zigzag line represents a carbon atom, and the hydrogen atoms are implied to be attached to the carbons.

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A line in the structural formula of a compound represents two electrons. This is used to show the sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms in a covalent bond.

How do you convert line bond structures into molecular formula?

To convert a line bond structure into a molecular formula, count the number of carbons and other atoms (such as hydrogen, oxygen, etc.) directly connected to each carbon in the structure. Then, use this information to create the molecular formula by representing the number of each atom type in the molecule. Remember to follow the valency rules for each atom.

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The electron-dot formula for HCl shows that hydrogen has 1 valence electron denoted as ● and chlorine has 7 valence electrons denoted as ●●●●●●●. The bond between hydrogen and chlorine is represented by a single line, indicating a single covalent bond.

What is bond skeleton?

is the line between elements in a chemical bond

What is the most repeated line in movie history?

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In Quantum of Solace do you ever hear Bond utter the famous line Bond James Bond?

no, never.

'bond with the best' tag line?
