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Yes. Examples:

Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water. 2H2 + O2 -->2H2O

Lithium reacts with nitrogen to form lithium nitride. 6Li + N2--> 2Li3N

Aluminum reacts with bromine to form aluminum bromide. 2Al + 3Br2 --> 2AlBr3

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Q: Can elements udergo chemical change to become compuonds give examples?
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How can elements be changed into compounds?

Elements become compounds after chemical reactions.

Can compound undergo chemical change to become elements how?

Yes. Compounds can undergo chemical changes to become elements. An example would be the following: Zn(s) + CuCl2(aq) ===> ZnCl2(aq) + Cu(s). THe CuCl2 is a compound and it is changed into the element Cu(s) and also into zinc chloride.

What are reactants in a chemical reaction?

The elements or molecules that participate in a chemical reaction and yield a product.

Which elements can become stable by losing one elements?

An chemical element cannot loss a chemical element. Probable you think to the last member of a radioactive decay chain.

Is the inner electrons involved in chemical changes?

In case of non-transition elements they are not but in case of Transition elements the 2nd last (in d-block) and 3rd last (in f-block) shell also become involved in chemical bonding.

When two or more elements chemically combine?

If two elements are chemically combined, they become a compound which will have totally different chemical and physical characteristics than either of the two original elements.

How do the properties of the parts of a mixture compared to the properties of the parts before they become A mixture?

Because there is no chemical reaction, the properties of the elements and compounds do not change when they form a mixture.

Has chemical analysis of lunar rocks shown that chemical elements not listed in the periodic table exist on the moon?

No, elements are defined by the number of protons they have and the periodic table contains all the elements up to over 100 protons, much past this point they become very unstable and radioactively decay into lighter (less protons in the nucleus) atoms. Elements this heavy do not occur naturally so we would not find them on the moon.

A compound can consist of one element?

False, because a compound is a pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements. It can be separated into simpler substances by chemical reactions.

Which elements would most likely become a negative ion when forming a chemical bond?

Non-metals typically become negatively charged ions when they bond (with a metal) because it is most energetically favorable for them to gain one ore more electrons to become isoelectronic with the nearest noble gas to their right.

What chemical formed when two atoms share electrons?

there is not a definite chemical but it will most likely be in the carbon family (column) because it is right in between noble gases which is what elements are trying to lose and gain electrons to become I hope that helped :)

What does compoud mean?

A compound is made up of 2 or more elements. For example: NA (sodium) is an element, but if you add another element, CL (chloride) to the NA, you would have the compound NACL (sodlium chloride) which is salt.