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Peripheral neuropathy has many causes, one of which is toxin related. As such peripheral neuropathy is a known side effect of some chemotherapy drugs but also the toxic effects upon the body of gluten intolerance and celiac. There is also inflammatory peripheral neuropathy which can be aggravated by inflammation implicated in chronic immune dysfunction.

Salicylate is a natural plant toxin produced by plants in different degrees to protect themselves from being eaten by insects. Most people easily detox from it which leaves them able to eat the 70% of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey that are not only high in antioxidants but also high in this natural plant toxin of salicylate.

Some people lack an enzyme, phenolsulphurtransferase, necessary to properly metabolise salicylates and phenols and they so risk accumulating higher, sometimes toxic salicylate levels. Salicylate intolerance and salicylate allergy can also occur in those who can metabolise salicylate. These immune reactions involve an inflammatory and/or histamine effect on the body. Ingestion of high levels of fluoride (ie eating fluoride toothpaste) can metabolically raise salicylate toxicity. Under such circumstances or because 70% of foods are high in salicylate, inflammation may become chronic, potentially including the peripheral nerves if the peripheral nerves have become exposed.

The peripheral nerves are protected by myelin and this is protected by collagen. As such where the myelin has not been under attack (ie as in MS), collagen degeneration may be another route by which myelin becomes exposed, leaving the peripheral nerves vulnerable. Collagen degeneration occurs in conditions like Sjorgrens Syndrome which is also associated with neuropathy and also in Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Food intolerances, food Allergies and neuropathy are also more common in those with EDS than in the general population.

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Q: Can salicylate intolerance cause neuropathy
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