

Could we do without limestone

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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we can not live without limestone

otherwise we wouldn't have concrete

or nothing to stick the bricks together

also toothpaste has limestone in it!

We could live but we would have to revert to stone age times.

And Many would die.

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Q: Could we do without limestone
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Could you live without limestone as a building material?

No. It is simply impossible. Limestone is used in everything we use in everyday life. Otherwise we would have to use wood which isnt officient. Limestone is used in toothpaste, brick, concrete, cement, glass and more!

What can you do without limestone?

Well we couldn't really survive without Limestone. Things such as buildings, roads and toothpaste are made from Limestone. Limestone contributes to even the tourist trade. The four main things Limestone contributes to buildings, making glass, improving soil fertility and the tourist trade. I am scared of apples they frighten me. I need help solving this phobia out. Please help. Limestone is Calcium Carbonate. Calcium Carbonate comes in Marble, chalk and Limestone. We could not brush our teeth mainly. This is because we can use other things to make buildings and make roads.

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A 4.8-kg limestone rock and some sediments that are not limestone

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limestone and biches without a t

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Hollow spheres in a limestone rock could be called pockets or geodes.

Madness in a sphinx without a secret?

It is carved of natural limestone of Giza.

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the limestone blocks each weighed about 2 tons each!!

It takes years for limestone to decompose in the presence of acid rain -Which could be true regarding the decomposition of limestone?

The decomposition of limestone may be spontaneous if it also does not require continual input of energy.

What would you do without limestone?

Construction of highways, brick and block structures, and roadbeds would be much more difficult as limestone is the main raw ingredient in cement.

What happened between the formation of Columbia limestone and the marden creek shale?

the creek dried up and made shale, then what could of happened is it made a layer of shale and later limestone formed and made a layer of limestone on top of shale

Marble is a metamorphic rock that was originally?

By definition a metamorphic rock has undergone recrystallization without melting - that requires a lot of heat and pressure. Marble is a metamorphic rock - it is recrystallized limestone or dolostone.

How can scientists use a chemical reaction to separate a fossil from limestone without damaging the fossil?

The limestone containing a fossil would be heaated to a sufficiently high temperature (about 1,800 centigrade).then the limestone would become powder and the fossil which is not as sensitive to heat as limestone would remain un damaged