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No, Democritus was the first to think of atoms, Dalton thought the atom was an indestructible sphere.

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Q: Did Democritus describe that Atoms are small hard particles?
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Who discovered that atoms small hard particles?


What Greek philosopher proposed that all atoms are composed of small particles?


What matches Democritus and idea of the atom?

Matter is composed from small particles called atoms.

Date of democritus atomism?

Democritus, in the 5th century, proposed his version of atomism. States that all matter was composed of small indivisible particles called atoms.

Who was the English scientist that said all matter is made up of a relatively small number indivisible particles called atom?

The Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus first theorized about atoms. In fact, that's who named them atoms.

Who originally proposed the concept that matter is composed of tiny indivisible particles?

Around 400 BC Democritus a Greek philosopher theorized that everything was composed of small indivisible particles he called atoms or "atomos".

Who was the first scientist to give evidence to support democritus idea about atoms?

Democritus did not do any experiments or provide solid evidence for his theory on the atom. In the 5th century B.C, Democritus proposed an atomic model in which all matter is made up of small indestructible units called atoms.

How was Dalton's atomic theory similar to Democritus atomic theory?

They both proposed the theory that all matter consists of atoms.

What was Democritus's theory?

Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher who was a pupil of Leucippus. Democritus suggested that different types of small discrete particles formed all matter. He suggested that the properties of the tiny particles are what determined the property of the matter.

Who said that all matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms?

The word "atom" comes from the ancient Greek "atomos" meaning "uncuttable". The concept of atoms being the smallest part of an element is a natural philosophy that developed in several ancient traditions, and it is therefore difficult to say "who" was the first person to make this claim.

What were Democritus's experiments?

he did many experimeants such as testing the theory of small invisble atoms

Who proposed that all atoms are small hard particles made of a single material formed into different shapes and and sizes?

It is Democritus (440 B.C.) He proposed the idea that all atoms were small, hard particles made of one material and that everything can be broken down until there is nothing left but atoms. Course, this was long ago, so his theory wasn't exactly thorough enough..