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John Dalton.

N.B.: John Dalton [born: September 6, 1776; died: July 27, 1844, at age 67] was an English chemist and physicist who claimed matter was made up of tiny particles and that these particles were identical for any given kind of matter. Moreover, he claimed these particles were indivisible and could neither be created nor destroyed in any chemical process, only be altered in the manner they were grouped.

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You think probable to Leucippus and Democritus.

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J.J. Thomson

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John Dalton.

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it was the believe of Dalton....

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Q: Who described atoms that they are small hard particles?
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Did Democritus describe that Atoms are small hard particles?

No, Democritus was the first to think of atoms, Dalton thought the atom was an indestructible sphere.

Is a diamond hard or soft?

Diamond IS the HARDEST of naturally occurring materials because it is composed of extremely small atoms (carbon) packed extremely tightly where they share atoms in a type of bonding known as covalent bonding. Termed lattice density, diamond packs atoms more tightly than any other natural material and that combined with the covalent bonding is why it is so hard.

What does the kinetic theory say in general about gas particles?

According to the kinetic theory, the particles in a gas are considered to be small, hard spheres with an insignificant volume, and all the collisions between particles in a gas are perfectly elastic.

How many particles are in 23.9 g Argon?

7.996*1023 Let's see if I can remember how to do this. I think the atomic mass of Argon is about 39.9 approx, so 1 mole of Argon weighs 39.9grammes. Avogadro's number tells us how many atoms are in 1 mole of any element. The value is about 6.0221415 x 10^23. So in 39.9grammes we have 6.0221415 x 10^23 atoms (because as far as I remember Argon is a monatomic gas - i.e. unlike for example Oxygen which hangs around in pairs of Oxygen atoms O2) Anyway, number of atoms/particles in 23.9g of Argon would be about (23.9/39.9) x 6.0221415 x 10^23 = 3.607 x 10^23 particles. That looks about right........................... Unless of course you meant to include sub-atomic particles................ That's too hard. Who asked this anyway?

Do covalent bonds have melting points?

Particles bond to achieve a stable electronic configuration, such as the octet structure. A covalent bond is when 2 atoms (usually non-metals) share electrons with each other such that both atoms can get to gain the negative charge of 1 or more electrons. Such bonds are hard to break because they are very strong. Hence, molecules with covalent bonds are hard to melt.

Related questions

Who discovered that atoms small hard particles?


Did Democritus describe that Atoms are small hard particles?

No, Democritus was the first to think of atoms, Dalton thought the atom was an indestructible sphere.

Who stated that all atoms were small hard particles?

Zaria Houston and Barack Obama

Who proposed that all atoms are small hard particles made of a single material formed into different shapes and and sizes?

It is Democritus (440 B.C.) He proposed the idea that all atoms were small, hard particles made of one material and that everything can be broken down until there is nothing left but atoms. Course, this was long ago, so his theory wasn't exactly thorough enough..

What was Democritus theories?

he thought the atom looked like small, hard particles made of single material formed into different shapes. also that atoms always moving and that they form different materials by joining together. he contributed by having his idea particles always moving.

Why might it be difficult to determine whether or not microscopic particles are alive?

Microscopic particles are so small and hard to see with the human eye that is they are alive their movement would be small making it hard to determine whether they're alive or not.

According to kenetic theory what correctly describes how particles behave?

Particles are small, hard spheres of insignificant volume. Attractive and repulsive forces between particles are weak.

What is the generic term for very small loose particles of hard broken rock or minerals?


Why are rocks hard?

Rocks are hard because the atoms comprising the minerals which are present in rocks have formed a latticework which make them solid and very stiff. Solid, stiff objects require a significant load applied over a small area to undergo deformation.

Who was the first scientist to give evidence to support democritus idea about atoms?

Democritus did not do any experiments or provide solid evidence for his theory on the atom. In the 5th century B.C, Democritus proposed an atomic model in which all matter is made up of small indestructible units called atoms.

What are the three parts of the kinetic theory of matter?

- All matter in composed of atoms and molecules (tiny particles) - The tiny particles are always in motion - Energy affects this motion -The particles interact -There is much space between these particles

Why is iron hard and strong?

Iron is so hard and strong because bond between the particles of iron is very strong. We know that every matter is made up of small particles. These particles are joined with each other by a force called bond. So as much the bond between the particle strong as the matter will be strong.