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No, formulas of ionically bonded compounds can be figured out without prefixes and understanding of how many electrons are gained/lost.

In covalent bonds, prefixes are needed and without them the formulas and quantities couldn't be determined.

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yes .

*,-sinaloa !! _ c[=

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Q: Do you use the naming prefixes when naming ionic compounds?
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Use complete sentences to explain why AlCl3 is called “aluminum chloride” (no prefix required), but BCl3 is called “boron trichloride.”?

Ionic compounds do not have prefixes but covalent compounds have prefixes. “Aluminum chloride” is a ionic compound and "boron tri-chloride” is a covalent compound.

What types of compounds use prefixes in the names?

covalent compounds use prefixes

When is it appropriate to use prefixes when naming compounds?

Almost always. Especially when there are more than one atom of the first element in the compound.

Do Ionic compounds use prefixes mono di tri?

yeah.. mono-1 di-2 tri-3 tetra-4 penta-5 hexa-6 hepta-7 octa-8 nona-9 deca-10 dodeca-20 The real answer is NO. The prefixes are only used in Type III compounds which are Covalent Bonds. Ionic Bonds only need the ending -ide.

When is it appropriate to use Roman numerals when naming compounds?

You use it on every single element

Can you use ionic compounds in a sentence?

An ionic compound always exists in solid state.

Is carbon disulfide an ionic compound?

Covalent. You have a compound of two non metals, which means they bond covalently. Ionic bonds occur between a metal and a non metal. Another clue is that only covalently bonded compounds use prefixes in the names; ionic compounds do not.

Why must roman numerals be used when naming certain ionic compounds?

You must use roman numerals to indicate which oxidation state the element is in when that element is in a compound.

How do humans use ionic compounds?

One use of an ionic compound is preservation in food and taste enhancement. The compound is known as table salt (NaCl). Several ionic compounds are use as medicines, preservatives, pigments. antiseptic material and oxidizing and reducing agents.

What are two ways humans use ionic compounds?

salt and sunscreen

Types of compounds that use prefixes in their names are?

Prefixes in a name generally indicate the number of atoms of a certain element in a compound. For example, carbon dioxide has two atoms of oxygen and one atom of carbon.

How do the names of cove lent compound differ from the names of ionic compound?

covelant bonads use prefixes & ionicbonds do not